This course is mandatory for all existing judges (Levels 1 & 2) that qualified in the 2022– 2024 Cycle. All existing judges qualified from that cycle must attend this revalidation course to "re-qualify" for this 2025 – 2028 cycle.
Candidates will not be qualified to judge at any GI Competitions if they do not attend a revalidation course.
Course Outline:
The duration of the course will be 2 hours and delivered virtually through Zoom on the GI - LMS platform LearnUpon
The course will focus on the changes to artistry and technical judging within the 2025-2028 FIG Code of Points, and an overview of the new NDP 1 and how the amendments are applied to our programme.
There will be NO exam.
Candidates must attend the full duration of the course to gain revalidation
Criteria for Eligibility:
Must hold a Level 1 or 2 judging qualification from the 2022 – 2024 cycle
Must be a current member of Gymnastics Ireland
Any parent(s)/guardian(s) of a candidate under the age of 18 must complete the online consent form to create an account on LearnUpon. This form must be completed to enrol on the course.
Must have completed Garda Vetting and Safeguard Training
Course Venue:
Online through Zoom - You will need a laptop or desktop
Candidates must create their own LearnUpon account to enrol and access the course
Course Date:
There is the option to attend one of three sessions available:
February 19th - (11.00am to 1.00pm) OR (6.00pm to 8.00pm)
March 12th - (6.00pm to 8.00pm)
Course Documents:
Judging Policy Click here
Course Cost: €80
Judges at all levels will revalidate to judge at Gymnastics Ireland events in Acrobatic Gymnastics through the 2025 - 2028 cycle.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Acrobatics Judging Revalidation 2025 - 2028
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I understand that upon registration I have 30 days to complete the requirements, unless otherwise posted.
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