Course Description
The Trampoline Level 1 course is the first level of coaching qualification on the discipline specific, coaching pathway which is quality assured and awarded by Sport Ireland Coaching. The course will provide an introduction to coaching trampoline gymnastics and ideal for interested individuals to coach at performance levels in a club setting.
For further details on the course syllabus please see below in objectives.
Criteria for Eligibility
Must be a minimum of 16 years of age. Any parent(s)/guardian(s) of a candidate under the age of 18 must complete the online consent form in order to create an account on LearnUpon and to access any online content. This form must be completed before course enrollment.
Must be a current member of Gymnastics Ireland
Must have completed Garda Vetting and Safeguard Training
Must have completed the GymSTART Foundation Course
Course Details
Online Coaching Theory:
Candidates will be required to complete a series of online modules, which will be related to 'How to Coach'. Each module will include a series of interactive digital videos to be viewed and completed through this platform. It will take candidates approximately 4 hours to complete in their own time. This must be completed before attending the practical days in the gym.
Practical Coaching:
Candidates will be required to attend two practical days of coaching and must bring a minimum of 1 gymnast.
Do I Need To Find A Mentor:
Your mentor will be someone to help you throughout the course to develop your sport gymnastics knowledge and the delivery methods such as the ‘How to Coach’ skills. Before you enrol onto the course you will need to find a mentor. Your mentor is required to hold a level 2 qualification or above.
What Resources Are Included:
LearnUpon (LMS) online resources and a digital logbook
A discipline specific resource book (digital format).
National Dryland Diving and Trampoline Centre - National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Practical Coaching - Course Dates:
May 24th - 12:00pm to 6:00pm (candidates must bring at least 1 gymnast)
May 25th- 9.00am to 6:00pm (candidates must bring at least 1 gymnast until 4:00pm)
Assessment Method:
Logbook – completed electronically through LearnUpon and includes all delivery tasks.
Summative Assessment - this practical assessment date will take place approximately three months after your last practical coaching day. Details will be sent to you in advance.
How Long Until I Am Fully Qualified:
Typically it takes two to four months to become qualified. However, you have up to one year from Day 1 of the practical coaching to complete the qualification if your first attempt at assessment is not successful.
Course Documents:
Coaching Policy Click here
Course Cost:
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